Team > Dr. Maximilian Panthen
Fakultät der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Marketing & Konsumentenverhalten
Wissenschaftlicher und beruflicher Werdegang
Curriculum Vitae (english version)
August 2011- August 2018 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Konsumentenverhalten der Universität Bayreuth |
2017 | Promotion zum Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Dr. rer. pol.), Thema der Dissertation: "Emotions and social interaction through the lens of service-dominant logic" |
seit 2013 | Vorstandsmitglied des Alumnivereins Sportökonomie Uni Bayreuth e.V. |
Oktober 2006 - April 2011 | Studium der Sportökonomie an der Universität Bayreuth mit dem Abschluss Diplom-Sportökonom (Dipl.-SpOec.), Thema der Diplomarbeit: „Open Innovation – State of the Art Review“ |
Fakultät der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Marketing & Konsumentenverhalten
Buch / Monografie
Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends
Hrsg.: Stieler, Maximilian
Cham : Springer, 2017
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45596-9 ...
Vollständiges Zeitschriftenheft
Digital transformation in sport : The disruptive potential of digitalization for sport man ...
Hrsg.: Ströbel, Tim; Stieler, Maximilian; Stegmann, Pascal
Sport, Business and Management Bd. 11 (2021) Heft 1
Referierte Beiträge in Zeitschriften (begutachtet)
Ströbel, Tim; Stieler, Maximilian; Stegmann, Pascal
Guest Editorial: Digital transformation in sport : the disruptive potential of digitalizat ...
In: Sport, Business and Management Bd. 11 (2021) Heft 1. - S. 1-9
doi:10.1108/SBM-03-2021-124 ...
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian; Walliser, Björn
Rationality and Emotionality of Sponsorship Negotiations : Managerial Approaches to Sponso ...
In: Marketing Review St. Gallen Bd. 36 (2019) Heft 6. - S. 44-51
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Actor Engagement Practices and Triadic Value Co-creation in the Team Sports Ecosystem
In: Marketing : ZFP Bd. 40 (2018) Heft 4. - S. 30-43
doi:10.15358/0344-1369-2018-4-30 ...
Stieler, Maximilian; Kriegl, Bettina
How do consumers experience the emotional rollercoaster? : A smartphone app to measure emo ...
In: Transfer, Werbeforschung & Praxis Bd. 64 (2018) Heft 2. - S. 43-53
Held, Johanna; Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian; Ashworth, Laurence
When Brand Representatives Act as Sales Associates : Mechanisms and Effects of Native Sell ...
In: Marketing : ZFP Bd. 39 (2017) Heft 1. - S. 44-62
doi:10.15358/0344-1369-2017-1-44 ...
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
The ties that bind us : Feelings of social connectedness in socio-emotional experiences
In: Journal of Consumer Marketing Bd. 33 (2016) Heft 6. - S. 397-407
doi:10.1108/JCM-03-2016-1749 ...
Stieler, Maximilian; Weismann, Friederike; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Co-destruction of value by spectators : the case of silent protests
In: European Sport Management Quarterly Bd. 14 (2014) Heft 1. - S. 72-86
doi:10.1080/16184742.2013.865249 ...
Beiträge in Zeitschriften (nicht begutachtet)
Kaiser, Matthias J.; Stieler, Maximilian
Was hat Emotionalität mit Business zu tun? Zur Rolle von Emotionen in (Preis-)Verhandlunge ...
In: PM-Report (2015) Heft 12/15. - S. 36-39
Beiträge in Sammelbänden (nicht begutachtet)
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Bestimmungsfaktoren des Verbraucherleitbilds aus verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Sicht
In: Schmidt-Kessel, Martin ; Germelmann, Claas Christian (Hrsg.): Verbraucherleitbilder – Zwecke, Wirkweisen und Maßstäbe - Jena: JWV, 2016. - S. 181-206 . - (Schriften zu Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherwissenschaften; 8)
Germelmann, Claas Christian; Stieler, Maximilian
Folgen für die politische Kommunikation
In: Schmidt-Kessel, Martin ; Germelmann, Claas Christian (Hrsg.): Verbraucherleitbilder - Zwecke, Wirkweisen und Maßstäbe - Jena: JWV Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2016. - S. 207-211 . - (Schriften zu Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherwissenschaften; 8)
Referierte Konferenzbeiträge und andere Vorträge (begutachtet)
Germelmann, Claas Christian; Stieler, Maximilian
Athletes As Entrepreneurs : How Can Individual Athletes Initiate Sponsorship Contracts?
25th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Bern, Switzerland
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Shared Identity In Sport Spectator Crowds Helps To Cope With Negative Game Outcomes
25th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Bern, Switzerland
Held, Johanna; Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Who Is to Blame? The Role of Perceived Deception and Moral Emotions in Consumers' Attribut ...
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45596-9_213 ...
44th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), Lake Buena Vista, USA
Kaiser, Matthias J.; Stieler, Maximilian
Emotions in negotiations : implications from pharma key account management activities towa ...
2016 ...
EuHEA Conference, Hamburg
Stieler, Maximilian; Grasser, Niklas; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Value Formation in Complex Sport Service Ecosystems : Moving from Dyads to Triads
24th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Warsaw, Poland
Germelmann, Claas Christian; Stieler, Maximilian
Beautiful strangers : psychological sense of community in sports crowds
2015 ...
North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Ottawa, Canada
Held, Johanna; Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Deceptive retail tactics : The interplay between attribution, perceived deception and mora ...
French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Bayreuth
Germelmann, Claas Christian; Stieler, Maximilian
Fan experience in spectator sports and the feeling of social connectedness
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26647-3_195 ...
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Denver, USA
Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
A mobile application to evaluate sporting events : measuring consumers' self-reports conti ...
23rd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Dublin, Irland
Neder, Pablo; Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Why boring brands profit from sport-induced excitation even before the actual event takes ...
23rd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Dublin, Irland
Seufert, Markus; Stieler, Maximilian; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Motives of Football Stadium Visitors and Consequences for Service Desires : a Laddering Ap ...
22th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management(EASM), Coventry, UK
Stieler, Maximilian; Laitila, Osmo; Germelmann, Claas Christian; Rasku, Risto
Personal Values as Predictors of Football and Rally Event Attendence
22nd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Coventry, UK
Stieler, Maximilian; Weismann, Friederike; Germelmann, Claas Christian
Co-destruction of value by customers : the example of silent protests
- Istanbul, 2013
21st Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Istanbul, Türkei
Germelmann, Claas Christian; Stieler, Maximilian; Röder, Thomas
Why Students Identify with Their University : a "Students as Active Participants" Paradigm ...
- Bayreuth, 2013
42nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Istanbul, Türkei
Stieler, Maximilian
Emotions and social interaction through the lens of service-dominant logic
Bayreuth, 2018. - I, 112 S. ...
(Dissertation, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Fakultät der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Marketing & Konsumentenverhalten
Dr. Maximilian Panthen